World Wildlife Fund Nature Breaking

Panoramic view of an islet surrounded by ocean and shallow reefs

Charting a Future for our Oceans

  • Date: 13 June 2023

In the wake of World Ocean Day on June 8, this episode examines worsening global conflict around fisheries, and what we can do to address it. Put simply, huge swaths of the world rely on fishing, either for subsistence or income. And when fish become more scarce due to overfishing, climate disruption, or other factors, it creates an opportunity for conflict. Today’s guest is Sarah Glaser, who leads the Oceans Futures initiative at WWF. The initiative aims to use the best science and predictive technology to provide an early warning system for future marine conflicts, as well as a set of tools to prevent those conflicts. 



In this conversation Sarah explains some of the basics about illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (3:15), shares how climate change has become an accelerant for high-seas conflict (7:57), and discusses how the Oceans Futures initiative is working to address these issues (12:37).



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