World Wildlife Fund Nature Breaking

View of caged tiger through bars

Online Wildlife Trafficking

  • Date: 05 March 2024

This week we’re marking World Wildlife Day by exploring one of the key issues threatening global species: wildlife crime and the sale of wildlife products online. It’s a big problem. Over 15,000 African elephants are killed every year for their ivory. Roughly three rhinos are killed every day in South Africa alone for their horns. And tigers are captured not just to become pets or ticketed attractions; they’re also killed for their fur, claws, and teeth. And all of these products have sadly become widely available through online marketplaces on common websites and social media apps used by millions of people each day. But here’s the good news: many of the tech companies that run those apps and websites have joined forces to put a stop to online wildlife trafficking. They've joined the Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online.



Today you’ll hear from two fantastic guests: Crawford Allan (1:55), WWF’s Senior Director for Wildlife Crime, and Traci Andrighetti (23:40), Global Regulatory Specialist for eBay (a member of the coalition). Their interviews touch on the origins of wildlife crime and how wildlife products become available online, the different industry-wide steps being taken to stop the sale of illegal wildlife products, and how eBay in particular is taking steps to stamp out this practice on its platform.



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