World Wildlife Fund WWF Climate Blog


What's Hot at COP21: Day 1

  • Date: 30 November 2015

It is the opening day of #COP21 in Paris, France. Today we heard from world leaders, including President Obama, on their commitment to a safer climate future.

“Obama set the right vision for international cooperation during his remarks and made a down payment on the kind of action we need. He sent a clear message to US negotiators about how they should spend their time over the next two weeks – focus on elements that foster greater international cooperation and signal to developing nations that the United States is committed to supporting their low-carbon transition.” – WWF’s Lou Leonard

The potential for impact is great. Coming into Paris, more than 180 countries representing over 90% of global emissions have come to the table with emissions reduction pledges. World leaders must demonstrate that they've been listening to growing calls from businesses, cities, and individuals to lead us towards a safer climate future. And from there, they must follow-through on those promises over the next two weeks.

We will be providing coverage and updates throughout the COP on our Live at #Cop21 page, follow along with us.