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Name Title
Nikhil Advani Senior Director, Wildlife and Climate Resilience
Ryan Bartlett Director, Climate Risk Management & Resilience
Lucas Black Vice President, Climate Finance
Tim Juliani Director, US Corporate Climate Engagement
David Kuhn Lead, Corporate Resilience
Brent Loken Global Food Lead Scientist, Global Science
Cheryl Margoluis Executive Director, CARE-WWF Alliance
Shaun Martin Vice President, Adaptation and Resilience, Deputy Lead, Climate Change
Colin Meehan Senior Director, Renewable Energy Transitions
Marcene Mitchell Senior Vice President, Climate Change
Carolin Planitzer Landscape Finance Director, Nature-Based Solutions Origination Platform
Daniel Riley Director, Corporate Climate and Renewable Energy
Rebecca Shaw Chief Scientist and Senior Vice President, Global Science
Marty Spitzer Senior Director, Climate and Renewable Energy
Anita van Breda Senior Director, Environment and Disaster Management
Carlos Claussell Velez Manager, Climate, DEI and Environmental Justice
Jacqueline Westley Director, Climate Finance
Cihang Yuan Senior Program Officer, Climate and Renewable Energy