Doron Valero has a long history with the ocean. Originally from Israel, he spent time on the Red Sea as a diving instructor and, later, in Israel’s navy. Today, Valero lives with his family in Miami, where he still takes time to enjoy the water. He is an enthusiastic supporter of WWF’s work to protect the oceans, most recently supporting the development of WWF’s Oceans Futures platform in the Galápagos Islands.
What inspired your support of WWF’s work protecting our oceans?
As an avid diver, I’ve seen places that few have been able to see for themselves. When I first started diving, the ocean felt quieter and more alive. To this day, my love of the ocean remains, but in recent years I have been saddened to witness ocean environments decline. For instance, I’ve seen more and more coral bleaching lately. I began giving small donations to WWF years ago but started giving more when I became aware of their projects related to ocean conservation. I think WWF has the types of connections to make a difference in today’s world. You need government relationships, you need science, and you need optimistic people doing the work. I think WWF has all of that.
What do you think will make the biggest impact?
I think education is crucial. People, especially young people, need to understand why conservation is important. When it comes to the ocean, I think many people don’t understand that without everything the oceans provide, we wouldn’t be around. I have a teenage daughter, and I’m trying to instill in her the same passion I have for our world. The only legacy I hope to leave is my daughter. And I hope all that she’s learned from me and the memories we’ve made together are what shape her future.
Are you hopeful for the future of nature?
The people I’ve met from WWF are optimists, and I think optimism may be the key to saving the planet. After all, without hope, why would conservation work continue? Who would do it? We have a long way to go before we can really say our planet is headed in the right direction, but WWF and organizations like it are full of optimistic experts who are driven and have goals. And they’re taking steps toward these goals all the time.
Learn more about WWF’s Oceans Futures platform.