ALIGN - Knowledge Hub - Resources

A group of elephants in a forested area crossing a dirt road
© Adobe Stock/Kalyakan


Asia’s Linear Infrastructure safeGuarding Nature

Resources The ALIGN Project Knowledge Hub contains information and guidance to help inform linear infrastructure work in Asia. Explore these resources produced by ALIGN and other reputable sources.

An overhead view of a road passing through a forested area

Join the Practitioners’ Network!

The Linear Infrastructure Practitioners in Asia (LIPA) Network’s listserv is organized by the ALIGN Project. Its purpose is to facilitate the free exchange of information between among practitioners, professionals, and academics interested in safeguarding natural resources and promoting resilient communities during the development of linear infrastructure. Fill out the Membership Survey form to subscribe to the listserv.

Horses entering a concrete tunnel beneath a dirt landscape

Case Studies & Best Practices

Discover projects that analyze how safeguard measures and best practices are avoiding, lessening, and/or mitigating adverse impacts from linear infrastructure on people and natural resources in Asia and around the world.

Four elephants standing on train tracks amidst other metal, industrial elements


Read reports and studies on how linear infrastructure affects people and nature and what we can do to avoid or mitigate any future conflicts.

Aerial directly above view of a green bridge ecoduct for fauna crossing above highway in the Western Europe.


Delve into in-depth training modules conducted by experts on implementing safeguards for more sustainable and wildlife-friendly linear infrastructure.

A monkey sitting on a power line with greenery in the background

LISA Project

The Linear Infrastructure Safeguards in Asia (LISA) Project was the USAID-funded predecessor to ALIGN that assessed Asia’s existing capacity to develop wildlife-friendly linear infrastructure. Led by the Center for Large Landscape Conservation, the project developed several publications and training modules to help build a foundation for providing safeguards to protect Asia’s wildlife and habitats.

Image attribution: © / Jen Guyton / WWF; © Brian J. Skerry / National Geographic Stock / WWF; © Georgina Goodwin / Shoot The Earth / WWF-UK; © Hkun Lat / WWF-Aus