ALIGN - Success Stories

A group of elephants in a forested area crossing a dirt road
© Adobe Stock/Kalyakan


Asia’s Linear Infrastructure safeGuarding Nature

Success Stories

Narayanghat-Butwal Road construction

ALIGN Event Educates Media on the Importance of Wildlife-Friendly Infrastructure

Despite conservation emerging as a priority for the government of Nepal, infrastructure development has taken precedence, and each year, investments in linear infrastructure continue to rise. ALIGN collaborated with the Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists to organize a workshop that raised awareness in the media on the importance and urgency of integrating biodiversity and ecosystem consideration into linear infrastructure development.

Landscape view of a city against a mountainous backdrop with a wooden fence in the foreground

Creating Natural Resource Safeguarding Curricula at the National University of Mongolia: Bridging Development and Conservation

To address the shortage of professionals in Mongolia who can integrate biodiversity and ecosystem considerations into infrastructure projects, ALIGN partnered with the National University of Mongolia to develop courses on natural resource safeguarding in infrastructure development. Through this initiative, over 600 students have gained valuable knowledge on the importance of protecting biodiversity, fostering a new generation of professionals committed to sustainable development and conservation.

Image attribution: © / Jen Guyton / WWF; © Brian J. Skerry / National Geographic Stock / WWF; © Georgina Goodwin / Shoot The Earth / WWF-UK; © Hkun Lat / WWF-Aus