Codex Planetarius Social Toolkit

Help us spread the word about Codex Planetarius on your social channels!

About Codex Planetarius

Food production has the largest impact of any human activity on the planet, causing 70% of global biodiversity loss, 78% of water pollution, and 35% of greenhouse gas emissions. To address this challenge, the Markets Institute at WWF, along with partners at the GEF and FOLUR, is exploring the development of science-based minimum performance standards, known as Codex Planetarius, that will reduce the most significant environmental impacts of internationally traded food. Our goal is to ensure that global trade maintains or improves the natural resource base in exporting countries for future generations.

We will be introducing Codex Planetarius at 3:30pm ET on September 24, when Dr. Jason Clay, Executive Director of The Markets Institute, delivers a presentation outlining the project and its complementary funding mechanism, the 1% Solution, at the Javits Center in New York City.

Campaign Phases

Please help us promote attendance and awareness of Dr. Clay’s presentation by using the Phase I materials below during the initial phase of our campaign (Sept. 11-23). During the second phase, we will focus on raising awareness about Codex Planetarius by highlighting an upcoming podcast, blog, and video, which will be added below as they are published. This will occur Sept. 24-Oct. 14.

Questions and comments

Given this is a new concept, we expect there will be questions. Please reach out to us for help with answers and/or messaging. You can also direct questions to [email protected]. Please note the Codex Planetarius website also has a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

Phase I: Codex Planetarius Presentation (September 11-23)

Event invite

Suggested copy

Jason Clay of the Markets Institute at WWF will be introducing Codex Planetarius, a proposed system of minimum environmental standards for global food production on Sept. 24 in NYC. Registration is free to attend in person or virtually. Sign up now:

Shareable Assets

On desktop, right click "save image as" or on mobile, press & hold until a prompt pops up and save image on your camera roll.

Thumbnail shot of promotional video about Codex Planetariius with Jason Clay. Behind him on a green screen of the world reads 'do you know what human activity has the largest impact on our planet?'

Download our 30-second promotional video featuring Jason Clay and share it on your channels. To complete the download, right click on the video in the new tab and choose "Save video as...".


Phase II: Codex Planetarius (September 24-October 14)

Suggested share copy

Option 1

Food production has the largest impact of any human activity on the planet, including 1/3 of all GHGs. To reduce these impacts, @WWFInsitute is exploring Codex Planetarius, a proposed set of environmental standards for globally traded food. Learn more at

Option 2

To help ensure that food production supports the health and integrity of renewable natural resources, @WWFInstitute is unrolling Codex Planetarius, a proposed set of minimum environmental standards for globally traded food. Learn more at

Shareable assets

Our 30-second Codex Planetarius promotional video is available in two layouts, vertical and horizontal, for sharing. To complete the download, right click on the video in the new tab and choose "Save video as...".

Image of a green planet from space. The text reads Codex Planetarius, with a subtitle of 'to reduce the environmental impacts of food production'.

On desktop, right click "save image as" or on mobile, press & hold until a prompt pops up and save image on your camera roll.

Questions about the Codex Planetarius communications campaign?

Please direct questions about the Codex Planetarius campaign to Ed Wyatt and Joe Lowe of the Markets Institute at WWF.