Conservation in the Classroom Archive and Resources

Archived Sessions

Court Whelan

The Wild Wonders of Madagascar: A Virtual Field Trip to the World’s 4th Largest Island

Court Whelan
Chief Sustainability Officer, Natural Habitat Adventures

Madagascar is home to over 200,000 species of plants and animals found nowhere else on earth. From lemurs to chameleons, extraordinary life can be found throughout diverse ecosystems, like rain forests, cloud forests, spiny deserts, and tropical beaches. Join Court Whelan, Expedition Leader with Natural Habitat Adventures, on a virtual field trip adventure to explore the biodiversity of this enchanting island.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th

Mike Mitchell and Alexander Nicolas

Biodiversity and the Importance of Teamwork

Mike Mitchell | Kung Fu Panda 4 Director
Alexander Nicolas | WWF's Wildlife Conservation Senior Program Officer

WWF and DreamWorks Animation have teamed up to raise awareness about the plight of the real wildlife depicted in the new animated movie Kung Fu Panda 4. Join us for a discussion with the film’s director, Mike Mitchell, and WWF’s Wildlife Conservation Senior Program Officer Alexander Nicolas about the role and value of teamwork in the movie and in biodiversity. We’ll learn how real-life animals like giant pandas, snow leopards, and more play a valuable role in keeping their native ecosystems balanced and thriving.

Prepare for the session with the Kung Fu Panda 4 toolkit that includes Wild Classroom activities, videos, and a Kahoot game.

Suggested grade level: 3rd – 8th

Nilanga Jayasinghe

The Asian Elephant: An Endangered Icon

Nilanga Jayasinghe
Asian Species Conservation Manager

Asian elephants are incredibly important for our environment and play a key role in the ecosystems they live in. Unfortunately, they are facing many challenges from threats such as habitat loss, human-elephant conflict, and poaching. To keep their populations from continuing to decline, WWF has launched an ambitious conservation plan which aims to tackle these threats facing wild elephants in Southeast Asia and China. Join WWF’s Nilanga Jayasinghe, Asian Species Conservation Manager, as she shares more about this exciting project and explain why it’s essential to protect this important species.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th

Alexia Leclercq

Leading Change: The Importance of Youth in Civic Engagement

Alexia Leclercq
WWF Youth Conservation Leadership Award Winner 2022

Youth activist Alexia Leclercq has been instrumental in fighting against pollution and injustice in their community. At 22 years old, Alexia has led dozens of environmental justice campaigns including the passing of national climate and chemical reform legislation, fighting for clean water, and addressing aggregate mining pollution. In this session, Alexia will share their journey as a young person that went from feeling disempowered to cofounding a conservancy to protect the Colorado River. They will also focus on important history and organizing strategies that oppressed people have used to fight for liberation, and how youth play a pivotal role in leading change for people and the planet.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 6th – 10th


Seaweed: Growing Underwater Forests to “Kelp” our Planet

Bailey Moritz
Lead Specialist, Aquaculture

When we think about what lives in our oceans, we might overlook the thousands of species of plant-like seaweed that grow all over the world. One type of seaweed in particular, kelp, is excellent at creating habitat, cleaning our coasts, and serving as a healthy food. It’s also one of the fastest growing organisms on the planet! Just like we can grow our own broccoli and potatoes, farmers are growing seaweed to benefit the environment and their communities. Join Bailey Moritz, WWF seaweed expert, as she walks through the beautiful biology of seaweed and the hopeful solutions kelp farms can bring to the ocean.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th


How Climate Change Affects Us and Nature, and What We Can Do About It

Stephanie Roe
Global Climate and Energy Lead Scientist

From hotter temperatures in our own neighborhoods to the melting ice at the poles, rising sea levels, and the extreme weather events making headlines worldwide, climate change affects not only us but also the incredible diversity of life on our planet. The good news? We can all do something about it. Learn from Stephanie Roe, WWF’s lead climate and energy scientist, as she explains how despite human actions being the leading cause behind the problem, they can also be the solution. Join us in uncovering the power we hold to make a difference for our planet and all its living creatures.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th


Superhero Mangroves

Emily Forinash
Program Officer, Oceans

Mangroves are one of the world’s superhero ecosystems. These incredible trees provide a great habitat for a range of species, store tons of carbon, and protect people from hurricanes or cyclones. Despite all their benefits, mangroves are at risk of declining due to climate change and human impacts. During this event, WWF oceans program officer Emily Forinash will share about her recent visit to a mangrove restoration project site in Ambilobe, Madagascar and further explain what makes mangroves so mighty.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th


The masked bandits of the prairie: spotlighting black-footed ferrets for Endangered Species Day

Noelle Guernsey
Senior specialist, Northern Great Plains

2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act. To commemorate, join Noelle Guernsey of WWF’s Northern Great Plains team, to learn about one of the most endangered mammals of North America: the black-footed ferret. Noelle will share stories about the work that is happening to protect and restore this important grassland species, and viewers will learn why people should care about saving them, and all, endangered species.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th


Marine Turtles: Why are they so cool and what can we do to protect them?

Ceci Fischer and Michael Jensen, WWF-Coral Triangle Program

Marine turtles are fascinating creatures that are an important part of coastal and marine ecosystems and are critical to the well-being of local communities. But despite their incredible beauty and importance, marine turtles face numerous threats in their natural habitat such as entanglement in fishing nets, plastic pollution, and being hunted for their shells, which are transformed into accessories like bracelets. In this presentation, marine turtle experts Ceci Fischer and Michael Jensen (WWF Coral Triangle) will take you on a journey through the world of marine turtles, exploring their unique behaviors and delving into the challenges they face. Join us for this exciting and informative session; you'll be captivated by these incredible creatures and inspired to do your part in protecting them.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th


Earth's Report Card: The Status of our Planet's Biodiversity

Dr. Rebecca Shaw, Chief Scientist

Every two years, WWF publishes The Living Planet Report—a thorough summary of the health of the natural world. In this talk, WWF’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Rebecca Shaw, will explain the state of biodiversity around the planet and discuss what this means for climate change, the environment, and human health. She’ll also share what is contributing to biodiversity declines and what we can do to protect biodiversity for the future.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 6th – 10th


Celebrating Women in Science

Alexis Will, Marine Biologist
Elisabeth Kruger, Manager, Arctic Wildlife

Alexis Will is a marine biologist whose work focuses on protecting seabirds around the Arctic. Her team member, Elisabeth Kruger, works with communities and scientists to learn about Arctic marine mammals and help make sure their populations stay healthy far into the future. In honor of International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11th, join us as Alexis and Elisabeth share some of their favorite experiences in the science field protecting Arctic wildlife, what science means to them, and what interesting research they are looking forward to working on in the future.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th

Natalie pic

Why rivers need to flow

Natalie Shahbol, WWF Freshwater

Healthy rivers are extremely important to the survival of people and nature around the world. They provide habitat and food for plants and animals, and provide protection and livelihood for humans living near and far. But when human infrastructures like dams, roads, and buildings prevent rivers from flowing freely, it prevents them from being able to support all of the organisms that depend on them. During this talk, Natalie Shahbol, Freshwater Specialist at WWF, will explain the importance of using freshwater resources responsibly so that it doesn’t cause devastating impacts to the environment. She’ll break down all of the benefits we get from rivers and how students can do their part to take care of the rivers in their communities.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th


The Connection Between Forests and Climate Change

Josefina Braña Varela Vice President and Deputy Lead, Forests

Forests are vital to the health of our planet and play a critical role in fighting climate change. They help regulate the Earth’s temperature and nature cycles by storing greenhouse gases that would otherwise collect in our atmosphere. However, when forests are not properly cared for and are degraded and deforested, they can contribute to climate change rather than reduce the impacts. Join us for a live stream event with Josefina Braña Varela to learn about the connections between forests and climate change and what she and her team are working on to protect forests.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th

Sage Fast Dog

Wolakota: The Return of Buffalo to the lands and lifeways of the Sicangu Lakota people

Sage Fast Dog | Founder and Director, Wakanyeja Tokeyahci Wounspe Tipi (Children First Learning Center), Lakota Nation

Sage Fast Dog Sr. is a member of the Sicangu Lakota Nation and lives on the land that is now known as the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. In his role as the Founder and Director of the Wakanyeja Tokeyahci Wounspe Tipi (Children First Learning Center), Sage incorporates important cultural values into everyday teachings so that Lakota students will learn the history, skills, and traditions of their people. In this presentation, Sage will share the richness of the Lakota language, history and culture with viewers while explaining the significance of the recent efforts to return their relatives, the buffalo, to Lakota lands and the lifeways of their people.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th

Francesca on boat

Whale sharks: protecting Mexico’s marine giants

Francesca Pancaldi | Shark Conservation Officer, WWF Mexico

In the bay of a small town located in Baja California Sur, the largest fish on the planet arrives. Not one, but many! Join Dr. Francesca Pancaldi—scientist, ecotourism guide, and shark conservation officer—to learn all about the magnificent whale shark! Dr. Pancaldi will share the conservation efforts her and her team have implemented to protect whale sharks in Mexico, as well as how you can do your part to care for these incredible animals.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th

Blonde hair man with sunglasses and fist up at a march

How Can I Make a Difference?

Ryan Zlatanova | WWF Activism and Outreach
Reid Chapman | WWF Activist/Panda Ambassador

Students can often feel powerless in the face of environmental crises, but there is tremendous potential for young people to make a difference. Start off the school year empowered by tuning in to learn tangible ways for your students to help the planet. At this talk, Ryan Zlatanova, Activism & Outreach Specialist at WWF, will talk about why youth voices are so important and be joined by Reid Chapman, a current high school student who has been advocating for nature since he was a child.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 6th – 10th

Dr. Tshering Tempa next to a camera trap

Celebrating the Year of the Tiger

Dr. Tshering Tempa | Program Director of the Bhutan Tiger Center, Bhutan

Tigers are essential in maintaining the health of their ecosystems and when we protect them, we also help protect other forest-dwelling species. This year of the tiger marks a milestone year for tiger conservation, as organizations around the world are working harder than ever to bring awareness to these fascinating big cats. In honor of Endangered Species Day on May 20th, join Dr. Tshering Tempa, tiger conservationist, as he shares highlights from his work protecting tigers and their habitats in the mountains of Bhutan. He’ll discuss different tools and practices used in the field and share ways that you can help protect tigers from where you live.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th

The Bad Guys movie poster

THE BAD GUYS and Their Importance to Biodiversity

Pierre Perifel | The Bad Guys Movie Director and Noelle Guernsey | WWF Northern Great Plains Program Officer

WWF and DreamWorks Animation have teamed up to raise awareness about the plight of the real wildlife depicted in the new animated movie The Bad Guys. Join us for a discussion with the film’s director, Pierre Perifel, and WWF’s Northern Great Plains program officer Noelle Guernsey about how these and other “bad guys” really aren’t bad at all. We’ll learn why animals, from wolves to prairie dogs and black-footed ferrets, are important despite their misguided reputations and why biodiversity is essential for the health of our planet.

Prepare for the session with The Bad Guys Content Pack that includes Wild Classroom activities, puzzle pages, and a Kahoot game.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th

Court Whelen with a butterfly on his head

Millions of Monarchs: A Journey Through the Monarch Butterfly’s Winter Home

Court Whelan | Chief Sustainability Officer, Natural Habitat Adventures

Deep in the mountains of central Mexico, a strange and wonderous phenomenon occurs each year: millions of monarch butterflies gather in “groves” to spend their winter. Join Court Whelan, scientist, ecotourism guide, photographer and author, on an exploration through the monarch butterfly’s overwintering colonies. Hear from Court first-hand about the journeys he leads, some of his personal discoveries and highlights as an expedition leader, and how you can do your part to care for these remarkable insects in your area.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th

Arnaud Lyet holding a chameleon

Protecting the Scaly and Slithery

Arnaud Lyet | WWF-US Wildlife Conservation

When you hear the term ‘endangered species’, what animals come to mind? It may not be animals like crocodiles and snakes, but did you know that over 20% of reptiles are threatened with extinction? Arnaud Lyet is a conservation scientist and an enthusiast of all things scaly and slithery. Join us as he sheds some light on species that shed their skin and why they need our protection.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th

Erin Simon headshot

Don’t Be Trashy: The Plastic Problem

Erin Simon | Senior Director, Plastics, Packaging, and Material Science

Plastic is a material we use every day – it makes our hospitals safer, our food last longer, and our packages lighter to send. But plastic becomes a big problem when it’s thrown away and ends up as trash, which harms the environment and wildlife. At WWF, Erin Simon leads a team who works on solutions to stop the plastic waste crisis. In celebration of International Women in Science Day, join us as Erin breaks down the problem of plastic not breaking down, and what you can do to make sure plastic doesn’t end up in nature.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th

Jasmin Holding a sawfish

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Bizarre Sharks and Rays

Jasmin Graham | WWF Conservation Leadership Award Winner and President and CEO of Minorities in Shark Sciences

In celebration of International Women in Science Day, join shark scientist, Jasmin Graham, to learn about some of the strangest sharks and rays in our oceans. Participants will learn all about these animals, how Jasmin studies them and how she works to protect them.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th

Emily holding a penguin

Life in a Frozen World: Antarctica

Emily Grilly | WWF Antarctic Program Manager

Take a journey with WWF to the most remote and wild region on the planet – Antarctica. Emily Grilly, WWF’s Antarctic Program Manager, will share her personal experience working with Adelie and gentoo penguins, explain how WWF is working to protect this unique region and the animals that call it home, and also teach you everything she knows about the amazing emperor penguin!

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th

Monica Rattling Hawk riding a horse

Our Relationships and Role in an Ecosystem

Monica Rattling Hawk | Native Nations Liaison | Northern Great Plains Program, WWF-US

Monica Rattling Hawk is a Native Nations liaison for WWF-US and a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation. Through her work with WWF, she carries out Indigenous conservation efforts and works to bring the will of her people to the management of their land. During this unique, interactive presentation, Monica will share her story and connection to the Northern Great Plains and will explain to students how they can view their connection to nature from a different perspective, encouraging a sense of empathy.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th

Nikhil with baboons

Helping wildlife in a changing climate

Nikhil Advani | Director of Climate, Communities, and Wildlife

Species all over the world are being affected by changes in weather and climate including heatwaves, drought, and flooding. Join Nikhil to learn what's causing these changes; how animals like one-horned rhinos, African penguins, and tigers are impacted; and what WWF and partners are doing to protect these species. During this livestream, students will be able to ask their questions and learn what it takes to help wildlife in a changing climate.

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 4th – 8th

Alex Nichols-Vinueza and Julia Borland


Alex Nichols-Vinueza and Julia Borland | WWF Food Waste Team

Each year, up to forty percent of all food produced for people globally is lost or wasted. A significant contributor to this statistic is food waste from school cafeterias. Start your students on the right foot this school year by introducing responsible food habits for them to put into practice every day. Kids will learn the connection between how they treat food and the health of our planet, in hopes that they will think twice before sending their leftover lunch to the garbage. Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th

Prepare for the session by downloading the free supplemental material pack for pre– and post–activities including bell-ringers, worksheets, Kahoot games and Wild Classroom activities.

Suggested grade level: 2nd – 6th