Stop Wildlife Crime Video Series

It's Dead Serious

Episode 1

Illegal wildlife trade is one of the largest criminal activities in the world.

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Illegal wildlife trafficking is one of the world's top criminal activities — ranked alongside drugs, arms, and human trafficking. The international crime syndicates running this trade are lining their pockets with billions of dollars, while they slaughter animals at rates never seen before, threaten lives, and even impact global security.

WWF is at the forefront of the fight to stop wildlife crime. Recently, we urged Thailand to ban its ivory trade and secured strong action from champions such as President Obama. But our work is not done. Together we can make it possible for elephants to keep their ivory, rhinos their horns, and tigers their skins.

Watch WWF's five-part original online series, STOP WILDLIFE CRIME: THE SERIES and learn from experts in the fields of government, security, forensics and conservation. Join the campaign and learn more about our efforts to Stop Wildlife Crime.

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Illegal wildlife trade is responsible for millions of deaths each year

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What's killing elephants, rhinos, and tigers?

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Illegal trade of wildlife is the world's 5th most lucrative criminal industry