Caatinga Protected Areas Program - ARCA

Two blue macaws facing one another with wings spread

Indigo macaws can be found in the Caatinga landscape in Brazil

The Caatinga biome faces significant threats from land use change practices and climate change impacts. Establishing new PAs in the Caatinga is crucial for preserving ecosystem services, mitigating the expansion of desertification-prone areas, and safeguarding habitats for numerous threatened species while enhancing climate resilience.

As one of the first projects under the GEF Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF), the Caatinga Protected Areas Program (ARCA) aims to enhance the conservation of the Caatinga biome through the expansion and improved management effectiveness of Brazil’s National System of Protected Areas. This includes improving management of endangered species conservation, and engagement of Indigenous People, Traditional Peoples and Local Communities. ARCA targets species conservation by combating wildlife poaching and trafficking, and engaging Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Peoples and Local Communities in PA governance, management and sustainable natural resources use. The project will work on a participatory basis with a continuous consultation process and mainstreaming of gender actions.

Up to 9 PAs, comprising both strict protection and sustainable use areas, will receive support from the project. This initiative will generate significant Global Environmental Benefits (GEBs), will address biodiversity loss drivers and threats like deforestation and climate change, is aligned with the Brazilian government objectives and will contribute to the Global Biodiversity Framework targets.

  • White-tufted-ear Marmoset found in Caatinga


  • Caverns at the transition between the Caatinga and Cerrado biomes.


  • Giant anteater in the Cerrado

    giatn anteaters can be found in the caatinga landscape

Country: Brazil
Focal Area: Biodiversity GBFF
Project Status: Project Development
GEF ID: 11509
Implementing agencies: WWF-GEF
Executing agencies: Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (FUNBIO)
GEF Project Grant: US $8,964,220
GEF Agency Fee: US $ 806,780

PIF Stage Documents:

CEO Endorsement Documents:

Safeguards Documents: