Plastics Projects

  • Blueprint for Credible Action on Plastic Pollution

    The Blueprint for Credible Action on Plastic Pollution is a tool for companies as they set priorities to achieve maximized, measurable impact on the journey towards circularity.

    Mounds of plastic bottle waste and other types of plastic waste at the Thilafushi waste disposal site.
  • Stopping Ghost Gear

    Fishing feeds billions of people and is vital to the economies of countless coastal communities. But unsustainable practices litter the ocean with deadly traps that needlessly kill marine mammals, turtles, and seabirds.

    Abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear, commonly referred to as ghost gear, contribute significantly to the problem of plastic pollution in our ocean. These gillnets, traps, and other types of fishing gear are particularly harmful because they can continue to catch target and non-target species indiscriminately for years. This impacts important food resources as well as endangered species. Because of this, ghost gear has been coined as the most deadly form of marine plastic debris, damaging vital ocean habitats, aquatic life, and livelihoods.

    Ghost fishing net discarded by fishermen