KAZA Policy Brief on Elephant Movements and Connectivity

The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) is home to the largest population of elephants in the world. The long-term viability of KAZA’s elephants as a transboundary population depends upon securing landscape connectivity between protected areas. Identifying and addressing the threats to habitat connectivity must be prioritized in order for elephants and other wildlife to move freely throughout this landscape.

The KAZA Policy Brief on Elephant Movements and Connectivity in the KAZA TFCA provides an overview of the current data and knowledge regarding elephant movements and connectivity in KAZA. It provides recommendations for securing and maintaining corridors at different scales to ensure persistence of landscape connectivity for elephants and other migratory wildlife. It will also work towards the objectives and vision of KAZA’s Strategic Planning Framework for the Conservation and Management of Elephants in the KAZA TFCA, to secure KAZA as a focal landscape for elephants and other wildlife for the benefit of rural communities and society at large.