Restoring Asia's Roar: Opportunities for tiger recovery across their historic range
May 15, 2024
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While tiger populations have increased in some countries over the last decade, these gains are fragile, and tigers remain the world’s most threatened big cat. Today, there are approximately 5,574* tigers left in the wild across Asia (*GTF 2023), and those that remain are restricted to less than 6% of their historic range. Since 1850, tigers have been lost from at least 14 countries, and three of these extirpations (Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam)occurred in just the last 25 years.
As a result of poaching and the loss of important prey species, the reduction in tiger range continues; the area where tigers occur has declined by approximately 50 per cent since 1994. In order to stem the decline, much more ambitious commitments and innovations will be required. These commitments should include high level goals to reverse the centuries-long decline in tiger range and return the species to sites, landscapes, countries, and ecosystems from which they are currently absent.
This report analyses the geographic opportunities for tiger range recovery across 30 current and former range countries, based on the relationship between tiger presence and intensity of human activity. In 15 counties, expanses of currently unoccupied but potentially suitable tiger habitat remain. Partnering with local communities to secure and increase the protection of such areas is essential to sustaining tiger recovery in the long-term.