• New Life in the Congo Basin: A Decade of Species Discoveries (2013-2023) Brochure

    New Life in the Congo Basin: A Decade of Species Discoveries (2013-2023) (, )

    December 03, 2024

    742 new species of wildlife and plants have been discovered in the Congo Basin from 2013 to 2023, highlighting the remarkable biodiversity and the urgent conservation needs of one of the world's most vital ecosystems. With many of the species already under threat of extinction from human activities, WWF is calling on governments in the region to increase protection for these rare, amazing creatures and their habitats.

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  • Forest Pathways Report 2023 Brochure

    Forest Pathways Report 2023 (, )

    October 24, 2023

    The world is off track to protect and restore forests by 2030. Fortunately, there’s still time to get back on course and meet global goals. WWF’s Forest Pathways report shows how the scale of failed action on the world’s forests is leading to an alarming increase in deforestation. It also shows it’s possible to halt deforestation, sustainably manage forests, and restore them in ways that benefit humanity and nature.

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  • Social Impacts of the Forest Stewardship Council Certification: An Assessment In the Congo Basin (application/pdf, 594 KB)

    April 07, 2014

    The study, the first of its kind, conducted by CIFOR and jointly funded by WWF and CIFOR, utilizes a robust methodology to compare nine FSC certified and nine noncertified forest management units across Gabon, Cameroon and Republic of Congo, to assess whether certification yields social benefits above and beyond noncertified FMUs. Overall, the study firmly and consistently confirms that FSC certification has indeed yielded additional social benefit in the Congo Basin.

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  • The Economic Value of Virunga National Park (application/pdf, 3.05 MB)

    August 01, 2013

    In response to the granting of oil concessions in Virunga National Park, WWF has launched a campaign to raise awareness of Virunga’s economic value and the implications of oil development for local communities and the environment. As part of the campaign, WWF commissioned Dalberg Global Development Advisors to study
    Virunga’s current and potential social and economic value and toindicate the implications of oil exploration and exploitation.

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