African Elephant |
Loxodonta africana |
African forest elephant |
Critically Endangered |
African savanna elephant |
Loxodonta africana africana |
Endangered |
African Wild Dog |
Lycaon pictus |
Endangered |
Albacore Tuna |
Thunnus alalunga |
Near Threatened |
Amazon River Dolphin |
Scientific Name Inia geoffrensis |
Amur Leopard |
Panthera pardus orientalis |
Critically Endangered |
Arctic Fox |
Vulpes lagopus |
Least Concern |
Arctic Wolf |
Canis lupus arctos |
Least Concern |
Asian Elephant |
Elephas maximus indicus |
Endangered |
Beaver |
Castor canadensis |
Least Concern |
Beluga |
Delphinapterus leucas |
Near Threatened |
Bigeye Tuna |
Thunnus obesus |
Vulnerable |
Black Rhino |
Diceros bicornis |
Critically Endangered |
Black Spider Monkey |
Ateles paniscus |
Vulnerable |
Black-footed Ferret |
Mustela nigripes |
Endangered |
Blue Whale |
Balaenoptera musculus |
Endangered |
Bluefin Tuna |
Thunnus Thynnus |
Endangered |
Bonobo |
Pan paniscus |
Endangered |
Bornean Elephant |
Elephas maximus borneensis |
Endangered |
Bornean Orangutan |
Pongo pygmaeus |
Critically Endangered |
Bowhead Whale |
Balaena mysticetus |
Least Concern |
Brown Bear |
Ursus arctos |
Least Concern |
Cheetah |
Acinonyx jubatus |
Vulnerable |
Chimpanzee |
Pan troglodytes |
Endangered |
Common Bottlenose Dolphin |
Tursiops truncates |
Least Concern |
Continental Tiger |
Panthera tigris tigris |
Cross River Gorilla |
Gorilla gorilla diehli |
Critically Endangered |
Dolphins and Porpoises |
Dugong |
Dugong dugon |
Vulnerable |
Eastern Lowland Gorilla |
Gorilla beringei graueri |
Critically Endangered |
Elephant |
Fin Whale |
Balaenoptera physalus |
Endangered |
Galápagos Penguin |
Spheniscus mendiculus |
Endangered |
Ganges River Dolphin |
Platanista gangetica gangetica |
Endangered |
Giant Panda |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca |
Vulnerable |
Giant Tortoise |
Vulnerable |
Gorilla |
Gorilla gorilla (western gorilla) and Gorilla beringei (eastern gorilla) |
Gray Whale |
Eschrichtius robustus |
Least Concern |
Great White Shark |
Carcharodon carcharias |
Vulnerable |
Greater One-Horned Rhino |
Rhinoceros unicornis |
Vulnerable |
Greater Sage-Grouse |
Centrocercus urophasianus |
Near Threatened |
Green Turtle |
Chelonia mydas |
Endangered |
Hawksbill Turtle |
Eretmochelys imbricata |
Critically Endangered |
Hector's Dolphin |
Cephalorhynchus hectori |
Endangered |
Hippopotamus |
Hippopotamus amphibius |
Vulnerable |
Humphead Wrasse |
Cheilinus undulatus |
Endangered |
Indian Elephant |
Elephas maximus indicus |
Endangered |
Indus River Dolphin |
Platanista minor |
Endangered |
Irrawaddy Dolphin |
Orcaella brevirostris |
Endangered |