Developing a rubber business requires trade in large volumes. This necessitates partnerships with communities who have plantations outside of the Thirty Hills forest concession, but establishing these partnerships can be slow.
Supplies are also impacted by tree diseases and weather patterns. Poor weather conditions not only impact the supply levels but also the quality of the rubber. Heavy rainstorms can make transport time-consuming and expensive due to poor road infrastructure.
Many farmers also currently sell their low-quality rubber to buyers at cheap prices. Because they aren’t being adequately compensated, there is the risk that these farmers will consider cutting down their rubber plantations in favor of a palm oil producing one that they perceive as more lucrative, despite oil palm plantation development in the Thirty Hills landscape being illegal. The Thirty Hills concession is in an area of high deforestation risk from ongoing illegal activity, and commodity-driven deforestation for palm oil, timber, and pulp wood has long been an issue. ABT is working with farmers to increase the quality of their raw rubber latex to improve the price they can get for it.
Despite all this, a successful rubber business is critical for uplifting local communities out of poverty and ensuring a profitable, sustainable business for PT ABT that in the long run conserves the Thirty Hills forest and the wildlife it provides habitat for. PT ABT and WWF are mapping where rubber can be planted in the concession and will begin the process for the farmer groups to acquire Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certification for the rubber that will be produced. Meeting this global standard will allow farmers to negotiate better prices for the rubber they tap in the Thirty Hills forest and improve their income. But first, the immediate priority is to continue strengthening the relationship with the communities to continue building trust and cooperation. If successful, the model being pioneered in Thirty Hills could be adopted in other tropical deforestation hotspots, delivering far-reaching benefits for nature, climate and people.