Palm Oil Stories

  • Deforestation fronts

    January 13, 2021

    A new WWF report on global forest cover and forest loss finds that over 160,000 square miles, an area roughly the size of California, were lost in deforestation hot spots around the world between 2004 and 2017. Deforestation puts human health and the health of our planet at risk. 

     Deforestation aerial photo of lush green forest on the left and bare brown dirt next to it on the right
  • Common Ground

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2020
    Tawau, the east malaysian district where Christina Ak Lang grew up, is a tropical paradise.
    Aerial photo of palm field
  • Healing forests

    WWF Magazine: Fall 2020
    As the world reels from the COVID-19 pandemic, WWF is working with global health company Johnson & Johnson to understand the underlying links between disease and deforestation.
    Landscape of forest canopy from above
  • Wildlife corridors help elephants move between habitats in Malaysia

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2020
    In Malaysian state of Sabah, WWF is helping to establish a wildlife corridor through a palm oil plantation to connect two reserves, which will protect crops and allow wildlife to roam freely.
  • Ice cream's impact on the environment

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2016
  • Orangutans and Palm Oil: Protecting Forests to Help Great Apes

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2015
    Palm oil plantations and illegal logging drive habitat loss
    Orangutan swings from a vine and holds out palm
  • Use Your Noodle

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2013
    Learn about the environmental impact of instant noodles.
    Instant Noodles