Stories: People & Communities

  • Jacqui and Jeff Morby on community-led conservation

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2016
    Sometimes the pursuit of a goal produces advantageous byproducts.
  • Brighton Kaoma on using radio to raise environmental awareness

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2016
    When I was 14, I had an idea. Everyone listens to the radio in Zambia; often people turn it on just to hear the time. Why not use Kitwe’s airwaves to educate my community about the environment?
  • President's Letter: Sizing up conservation

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2016
    WWF President and CEO Carter Roberts on working with communities to create highly local solutions to multiple environmental challenges.
    Carter Roberts
  • Fishers in Mozambique feel the impact of climate change

    December 21, 2015

    Fishers in Mozambique have noticed changes in catch size and ocean currents as a result of a changing climate. WWF and partners are working to restore and protect the natural resources on which local fishing and farming communities depend.

    boys in a boat
  • Life in Nepal

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2014
    How a tiny, mountainous country became one of the world's biggest conservation successes for wildlife—and for rural communities with pressing health needs.
    Woman in flooded field
  • Property Rights: A River Changes Course

    WWF Magazine: Fall 2014
    Securing property rights for women in Mali
    Women in Mali
  • Can protecting fish and improving farms ease the food crisis in Mozambique?

    WWF Magazine: Fall 2014
    Will simultaneously developing no-take fishing zones and working with farmers to establish conservation agriculture techniques result in more food for local consumption?
  • A Model Fishery in Ecuador

    WWF Magazine: Fall 2014
    Manta :: Ecuador
    man holds fish
  • A Tale of Three Cities

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2014
    Taking Climate Action to the Streets
  • After Earth Hour: Small Steps, Big Impact

    March 26, 2014

    Earth Hour is just the beginning. You’ve shown the planet you care by turning your lights out for one hour. So what’s next?

    Closeup of bike pedal
  • From Fishers to Weavers

    January 13, 2014

    WWF—through USAID’s Coral Triangle Support Partnership (CTSP)—helped revive and adapt a weaving program in Malaysia that would enable the women to earn income and sell fewer fish.

    weaving a bracelet
  • Wildlife Management Areas Spread the Wealth in Tanzania

    October 22, 2013

    With the help of the WWF team and other NGOs, such as African Wildlife Foundation, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Frankfurt Zoological Society, the number of WMAs and the amount of land they protect is growing dramatically.

    serengeti animals
  • Primeiras e Segundas

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2013
    Along Mozambique's coast, a new sanctuary offers opportunities for people, the economy and wildlife
  • In Tanzania, an Orphan Gets an Education Thanks to Wildlife

    October 01, 2013

    Mbaranga’ndu is one of Tanzania’s WMAs created under an official land-use designation that allows local residents to benefit from governing an area’s natural resources sustainably.

    Juma profile
  • New Hope for Forests and Families in Indonesia

    May 07, 2013

    WWF has offered a way for community members to help rehabilitate their forests and earn a living. Our reforestation programs in Indonesia help preserve our most precious wildlife and empower local people.

    Acil at nursery
  • Protecting Monarch Butterflies and Their Forests

    February 28, 2013

    Every year, monarch butterflies mirgrate between 1,200 to 2,800 miles, leaving their summer breeding areas in Canada and the United States to return to hibernation colonies in the forests of central Mexico. To help local communities keep the forest intact, WWF helps establish alternative income-generating ventures, including sustainable mushroom and tree nurseries.
