Southwest Pacific Ocean and Indonesia Stories

  • Coastal community heroes

    April 08, 2021

    Coastal communities are the stewards of the ocean, and their livelihoods directly depend on its health. Six people living at the intersection of land and sea around the world tell us why they are so committed to the ocean and what it has brought to their lives.

    Small woven houses sitting on top of a system of stilts out in clear blue water with a green boat anchored nearby
  • Depths Unknown

    WWF Magazine: Spring 2020
    WWF is aiding the Fijian government and local communities in their efforts to establish a network of marine protected areas that will cover 30% of the country’s waters by 2030.
    Bai Ni Takali
  • What we learned about coral reefs in 2019

    January 07, 2020

    While most of what we learned about coral reefs in 2019 is grim, there's still hope. In this new decade, we can do quite a bit to protect coral reefs and the wildlife and people that depend on them.

    Gabby Ahmadia, senior marine scientist at WWF, surveys a reef in the Selat Dampier MPA, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
  • 7 ways you can help save the ocean

    June 06, 2018

    Covering more than 70% of our planet’s surface, the ocean contains the largest diversity of life on Earth and affects everything from global weather patterns to food systems. Learn what steps you can take help protect the ocean. 

    ecuador ocean WW288186 Antonio Busiello
  • A new way to predict and prevent the end of coral reefs

    January 05, 2017

    For the first time, researchers have created models to predict when, where, and to what extent coral bleaching will occur in reefs around the world at a finer scale than ever before.

    coral bleaching
  • Marine Scientists Quantify Life Under the Sea

    WWF Magazine: Spring 2015
    Understanding underwater baselines in the Coral Triangle
    coral reef
  • Funding Conservation at a Global Scale

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2014
    The Global Environment Facility: Big solutions for a small planet
    ship lights over water
  • The Social Impacts of Marine Protected Areas

    WWF Magazine: Spring 2014
    Bird's Head Seascape, West Papua, Indonesia
    Boys on a dock in Bird's Head Seascape, West Papua, Indonesia
  • From Fishers to Weavers

    January 13, 2014

    WWF—through USAID’s Coral Triangle Support Partnership (CTSP)—helped revive and adapt a weaving program in Malaysia that would enable the women to earn income and sell fewer fish.

    weaving a bracelet
  • How long do sea turtles live? And other sea turtle facts

    Sea turtles have roamed the Earth’s oceans for the last 110 million years. Here’s a look at some common questions about the species.

    green sea turtle