Rhino Stories

  • New study highlights the positive impacts of black rhino conservation on population recovery

    Without past interventions, only 296 individuals would exist in 2022 instead of the actual 6,487. If conservation stopped now, the population would drop to 3,354 by 2032, but with continued efforts, it could reach 8,943.

    Rhino mother and calf in the sunlight surrounded by insects
  • Moving forward

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2023
    WWF and our partners are pursuing two initiatives united by a shared vision for a sustainable future
    Lion resting at base of cliff
  • Sharing Space

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2023
    The sounds of squabbling baboons and squawking guinea fowl greet Tjavarekua Tjijahura as she rises to prepare breakfast and break camp.
    A rhino partially emerges from vegetation
  • Ancient Survivors

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2021
    Ensuring a future for one of the world's oldest mammals
    Rhinos at sunrise
  • Rhino populations are recovering in Namibia thanks to community-led interventions

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2021
    Black rhino populations are recovering in Namibia thanks to community-led interventions.
    Rhino surrounded by vegetation
  • Nepal’s rhino population increases by 16%—a sign of hope for the species

    April 15, 2021

    Nepal’s rhino population has increased by 16%, according to the results of the National Rhino Count 2021—a promising sign for the greater one-horned rhino population in the country.

    A greater one-horned rhino chews leaves in a verdant area of Nepal
  • Capturing a rare rhino on its midnight stroll

    WWF Magazine: Spring 2021
    Mostly active at night, the critically endangered black rhino is an elusive species. A well-placed camera trap spotted one of these rare rhinos walking through a wildlife corridor in Kenya.
    Black rhino facing camera at night
  • Rhinos make a comeback in India's Manas National Park

    July 02, 2020

    The greater one-horned rhinos in Manas National Park - their population once completely decimated by poaching - are making a comeback thanks to joint conservation efforts under the Indian Rhino Vision 2020 initiative. 

    A greater one-horned rhino chews a mouthful of grass
  • Nine reasons to feel hopeful for wildlife

    March 03, 2020

    In honor of World Wildlife Day, we celebrate some hopeful conservation stories to remind us actions make a difference and there’s still time to preserve our natural world if we all do our part.

    Tiger captured with camera trap
  • Rhino poaching on the decline in South Africa

    Illegal killings of rhinos in South Africa are on the decline. In 2019, poachers killed 594 rhinos, down from 769 in the year prior, according to South Africa’s Department of the Environment, Forestry, and Fisheries.

    Two black rhinos in South Africa
  • Rhinos around the world

    November 14, 2019

    2019 has been a year of both wins and losses for rhinos. Though still facing threats like poaching and habitat loss, the global rhino population has increased by 30 percent over the past decade.

    An Asian rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis) drinks by the waters edge at sunset. Kaziranga National Park, India.
  • Where do rhinos live? And eight other rhino facts

    September 19, 2019

    Facts about rhinos and what WWF is doing to help protect the species.

    White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), Kenya.
  • WWF helps create a groundbreaking plan to save Sumatran rhinos

    WWF Magazine: Spring 2019
    Fewer than 80 Sumatran rhinos remain in the wild in Borneo and Sumatra. Sumatran Rhino Rescue aims to find the remaining wild Sumatran rhinos and bring them to sanctuaries where they can breed.
    Sumatran rhino covered in mud
  • Critically endangered Sumatran Rhino moved to new home

    December 04, 2018

    Last month, the Indonesian Government announced that a first Sumatran rhino, a female named Pahu, was successfully rescued from a small isolated forest patch in Kalimantan, with the support of WWF, local partners and Sumatran Rhino Rescue.

    Pahu Sumatran Rhino
  • In a blow to wildlife, China lifts a ban on the use of tiger and rhino parts

    October 29, 2018

    In an enormous setback for wildlife conservation, China announced it will allow hospitals to use tiger bone and rhino horn from captive-bred animals for traditional medicine. The decision reverses a decades-old ban that has been instrumental in preventing the extinction of endangered tigers and rhinos.

    Bengal Tiger in the Ranthambore National Park, India
  • Successful translocations grow rhino population in India’s Terai region

    Four greater one-horned rhinos are adjusting to a new home in India’s Dudhwa National Park after they were successfully translocated from one part of the park to another during a five-day period in April.

    The four translocated rhinos are now being monitored continuously by the staff of Dudhwa National Park and the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department, with support from WWF-India.
  • Last male northern white rhino dies

    March 21, 2018

    On March 19, 2018 the last male northern white rhino died. Sudan, 45 years old, had been under armed guard to protect him from the threat of poachers. His death is heartbreaking. The extinction of the northern white rhino is happening before our eyes.

  • South Africa’s rhino poaching trends show a slight decrease—but death toll remains too high

    January 29, 2018

    New 2017 rhino poaching numbers out of South Africa show a small decrease from the previous year, but the death toll remains perilously high.

    Two black rhinos in South Africa
  • WWF is saving black rhinos by moving them

    WWF’s Black Rhino Range Expansion Project (BRREP) has been working with passion, commitment, and determination for a brighter future for the critically endangered black rhino for more than a decade. BRREP works to grow black rhino numbers by creating new populations and provides equipment and training to rangers to monitor, manage, and protect rhinos.

    A rhino standing in a field
  • Protecting the elusive Sumatran rhino

    The Sumatran rhino is so rare and elusive that even the most senior of the rangers have never seen the animal in the wild. But just because you don’t see something doesn't mean it’s is not there.

    Sumatran rhino
  • How WWF safely moves black rhinos to help the species thrive

    Looking back over years of moving black rhinos to create new populations as part of the Black Rhino Range Expansion Project in South Africa, it’s worth noting how capture and release techniques have improved. 

    black rhino calf in tall grass
  • Baby rhino brings new hope to India’s Manas National Park

    September 22, 2017

    A baby rhino spotted alongside its mother in Manas National Park, located in the northeastern Indian state of Assam, is an encouraging new sign that the rhino population in the protected area is on the upswing.

    rhino and calf walk in Manas
  • Helping people and wildlife thrive together

    May 12, 2017

    Human-wildlife conflict is a major issue for many poor people who live near forests in rural areas of Nepal. That’s one of the reasons why WWF and other partners in conservation launched the Hariyo Ban (Green Forest) program to find lasting solutions that protect people’s lives, livestock and crops and prevent the retaliatory killing of wildlife. 

    Newly installed fence in the Karnali corridor
  • Five rhinos find a new home in Nepal

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2016
    Over five days in February 2016, five rhinos were moved from Chitwan National Park to a new home in Bardia National Park.
    Rhino freed