Stop Wildlife Crime: The Series - Rangers

[WARNING: CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES] The fifth (and final) episode of WWF's Stop Wildlife Crime series highlights the deadly impact on rangers. Every four days, a wildlife ranger is killed in the line of duty. Use the hashtag #StopWildlifeCrime while you watch the video series and be sure to subscribe to World Wildlife Fund's YouTube channel to keep up with our new releases.

They serve under various titles—park rangers, forest guards, eco guards and wildlife officers. As the poaching crisis escalates and wildlife crime spreads its tentacles, these men and women on the frontlines of conservation are the first line of defense. And it is not a fair fight. Rangers are often outnumbered and outgunned by ruthless poachers preying on species like rhinos, elephants, tigers and more.
For rangers who live—and sometimes die—to protect nature, wildlife crime is a dead serious threat.

WWF needs your help to make a difference. Please view and share to spread awareness. This five-part series featuring wildlife trade facts and interviews with experts in government, security and conservation aired Sundays at 7 pm EDT in September 2013. Learn more: