And we are devoted to staying in touch with you, providing tools for education and entertainment. We want to offer you resources to draw on in remembering the glory of this planet that sustains us; the sublime interconnections between people and nature; and the inspiring stories of individuals who have done great things for their communities and for the world. We need these stories, and these touchstones, more than ever. Please visit to learn more about WWF’s free resources.
You can also read some of these stories in the pages of this magazine. We believe that these stories of hope and possibilities can help sustain us as we all adjust and respond in this moment of need. We take strength from them, and we draw energy from continuing to pursue this work in the midst of the storm around us. We also draw energy from you, from your support, and from your trust in us at this pivotal time.
This is also a moment when we even more deeply realize the connections among people, nature, and human health. We know that diseases can jump species, from animals to human, as is the case for COVID-19 and other viral diseases such as SARS and Ebola. We know that disruption to our climate creates new pathways for pathogens and the spread of disease. We also know that the balm nature provides is never more important to our physical and mental health than in times of anxiety, upheaval, and crisis. Being outdoors is one of the few activities we can safely pursue during this pandemic. And I see the power of nature all around me now—whether hiking with my family in a local park or tending our home garden.
So: Seek out nature when and where you can. Be good to one another. Remember the connections we share. May we emerge with a renewed devotion to kindness and respect for each other and for the planet we call home.