They had a plan that was as well-organized as the best business plans. Borrowing a phrase from the business world, they understood the entire value chain, and they attacked every step of the value chain.
CR: So smart. That’s what the environmental movement needs to do.
JYK: We need to understand what the actual value chain is, in order to come up with a solution that is equal to the problem. This is what I’m saying all the time. We do not have solutions that are equal to the problem of climate change.
CR: That’s a really interesting way to look at it. So, what are you most proud of?
JYK: That I still believe I can get better. And it’s a reminder to myself—I really believe that human beings can get better. So I’m always working to get better, and I’m hopeful I can continue to get better as a leader, as a parent.
CR: I completely agree. Continual improvement has to be a goal for all institutions and individuals if we want any hope of delivering a healthy planet for our grandchildren. So what about WWF? Where can we improve?
JYK: Well, to all the supporters of World Wildlife Fund, what I’d like to say is: I’m sorry. You were right, and I was wrong. And I say that for a very specific purpose: Folks at WWF have been committed to the environment, to biodiversity, to the survival of the species for much longer than I have cared about it. But you were right. It’s critically important, and what you are doing is so important for the planet.
So, thank you for what you’ve done. But now, I think the nature of the problem is such that many of your constituents are going to have to grow from gentle, kind, warm, environmentalists trying to do the right thing into a more vocal, insistent community that demands we address the situation.
CR: Polls show rising concern about environmental degradation and climate change, but diminished conviction something can be done about it. We need to change that. We need to engage people in taking specific actions that make a difference—after all, governments and businesses ultimately take their cues from their constituents and customers. It’s time we put the movement back in the environmental movement.
Jim, thanks for your time. The World Bank and WWF are great partners and I can’t think of a better person with whom to start this series in our new magazine.