Making sustainability a priority at work

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Have you considered putting your passion for the environment to work at work? Promoting sustainability in your workplace is a great way to help the environment. Here are several tips for starting—or reinvigorating—a workplace green team.

Begin by talking and listening to your coworkers to gauge interest. Even a few people meeting regularly can make a difference. Determine what you want to accomplish and consider starting with a simple project, such as a bike-to-work day or a lunchtime presentation on an environmental topic relevant to your company. Conducting a waste audit is another good first step: Identify what’s leaving your building for the landfill and evaluate alternative recycling and composting options.

Recruit an advocate from among your leadership who can help increase the visibility and engagement of your group, and communicate what you’re doing to help keep the momentum going, engage participants, and recognize successes. Tracking metrics along the way—number of volunteer hours, pounds of waste kept out of the landfill, or dollars raised for charity—will give you plenty of achievements to share.

Starting a green team can be rewarding and fun—not to mention good for the Earth.

More tips on how to get started.

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