2024 Lovejoy Symposium




The Earth is on the verge of dangerous tipping points, driven by nature loss and climate change, that will have devastating consequences for people and nature worldwide. Yet, there is also potential for positive tipping points—pivotal shifts that, once activated, can accelerate the transformative changes we urgently need.

This year’s Lovejoy Science for Nature symposium convened leading experts to explore the state of knowledge on tipping points and how social change can be harnessed to reduce nature loss and address the climate crisis.

The event has ended. You can replay the symposium and watch any talks you missed.




9:00 AM EST | 2:00 PM GMT Welcome

Nik Sekhran, Chief Conservation Officer, World Wildlife Fund

Session 1: Understanding Tipping Points

Positive Tipping Points for Nature

Tim Lenton, Founding Director, Global Systems Institute

Fireside Chat

Tim Lenton and Rebecca Shaw, WWF Chief Scientist

Harnessing social tipping dynamics: How can we benefit from systems science?

Sibel Eker, Radboud University, Nijmegen School of Management

Tipping towards regenerative futures: Insights from fast decarbonization processes in coal and carbon intensive regions

J. David Tàbara, Autonomous University of Barcelona | Global Climate Forum


Moderated by Rachel Golden Kroner, Director, Nature Positive for Oceans, WWF


11:20 AM EST | 4:20 PM GMT Session 2: Deliberate Tipping Points

Justice and equity considerations in positive tipping points

Laura Pereira, Global Change Institute, University of the Witwatersrand

Operationalizing positive tipping points: transforming the food system

Scarlett Benson, Systemiq

Tipping towards what? Imagination as a Transformational Capacity

Manjana Milkoreit, University of Oslo


Moderated by Nathan Bennett, WWF Global Oceans Lead Scientist


Rebecca Shaw, WWF Chief Scientist




Click on the images to learn more about each speaker.

Dr. Nathan Bennett

Scarlett Bensono

Dr. Sibel Eker

Dr. Rachel Golden Kroner

Dr. Tim Lenton

Dr. Manjana Milkoreit

Dr. Laura Pereira

Nik Sekhran

Dr. Rebecca Shaw

Dr. J. David Tàbara