Janelle McCarthy and Her Class

Janelle McCarthy

Janelle McCarthy, Multiple Disabilities Support Teacher at South Lebanon Elementary School in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, shares how she used Wild Classroom with her students and why it’s important to bring conservation to life in the classroom.

My name is Janelle McCarthy and I love my students! I teach Multiple Disabilities Support for kindergarten and first grade students. My kiddos have complex educational needs—many of them are nonverbal and all need some degree of physical support.

A large part of my role is finding and adapting grade-level curriculum to meet the needs of my students. I am so grateful for Wild Classroom materials because they provided relevant, easily adaptable lessons across content areas. Because of Wild Classroom, my students were able to learn about conservation in a hands-on way, just like their typical peers!

Conservation is relevant to all of us—regardless of age or ability, we all call this planet our home. The fact that Wild Classroom makes the abstract concept of conservation concrete in their lessons is developmentally appropriate and very engaging!

Child interacting with Wild Classroom materials