Expanding and Consolidating Madagascar’s Marine Protected Areas Network

humback whale jump

Humpback whales can be found in Madagascar's surrounding oceans

Madagascar supports rich coral diversity and numerous marine and coastal species. Fish stocks support local livelihoods, and also represent an important sector within the national economy. To conserve Madagascar’s marine resources from threats that include habitat destruction and unsustainable fishing practices, the president of Madagascar committed to tripling the number of marine protected areas at the IUCN Park Congress in Sydney—thereby contributing to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi Target #11. The GEF project “Expanding and Consolidating Madagascar’s Marine Protected Areas Network” is working to fulfill this commitment and strengthen the management of the country’s Marine Protected Areas and fisheries resources. Ministries have come together to support the project and its goals. Through this cooperation and strong interest from the president, the project will safeguard Madagascar’s marine resources into the future.

Country: Madagascar
Focal area: Biodiversity
Project status: Implementation
GEF Project ID: 9546
Program: Sustainable Management of Madagascar’s Marine Resources #9433
Implementing Agency: WWF-US
Executing Agency: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD)
GEF Project Grant: US$ 6,284,404
Co-financing: US$ 39,962,250
GEF Agency Fee: US$ 577,981

  • beach with palapa and storm rolling in over ocean

    Photo taken by WWF GEF Agency during community consultations for the project

  • whaleshark above spring2018

    Whale sharks can be found in Madagascar's Oceans

  • Rocks on shore of ocean and palapa next to shore

    Photo taken by WWF GEF Agency during community consultations for the project

  • Lone fisher sets off in boat on coast of Madagascar

    Fisherman in madagascar