Financial Tools for Small Scale Fishers in Melanesia

Aerial view of a fishing community along the coast nestled up against clear blue waters

the Fiji coastline is highly susceptible to climate induced disasters

“ This initiative in Fiji and Papua New Guinea will provide an excellent model for how even remote communities can make insurance products more accessible”

Chizuru Aoki
Lead Environmental Specialist at the GEF and Manager of the SCCF

Melanesia includes some of the world’s smallest countries surrounded by Exclusive Economic Zones many times larger than their land surface area. The region is heavily dependent upon oceanic and coastal fisheries for food security, livelihoods, revenue, employment and development. Climate change is already affecting the Melanesian region disproportionately through rising temperatures, sea-level rise, flooding, coastal erosion, an increase in extreme weather events. For low-lying atolls across PNG and Fiji, and many coastal communities on the main islands, even a small rise in sea level will have huge consequences in terms of lost land area and other impacts such as saltwater intrusion.

Fiji and PNG were selected for this project as they are exceptionally vulnerable to climate risk impacts and have good potential for impact and scaling, with relatively large populations of small-scale fishers. The project will utilize financial tools for small scale fishers in Melanesia to improve resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change, including major shock events, in vulnerable coastal small-scale fisher communities in Fiji and PNG.

  • Fishing for bait

    Papua New Guinea fisherman catching bait

  • Gill net fisher on water

    Fijian coastal communities dependent on fishing are vulnerable to climate disasters

  • The January 18th, 2007 storm saw hurricane force winds lash much of the UK, killing 13 people. Blackpool promenade was closed as waves crashed over the sea wall flooding the road.

Country: Fiji, Papua New Guinea
GEF ID: 10437
Focal Area: Climate Change
Project Status: Implementation
Program: GEF Challenge Program for Adaptation Innovation
Executing agencies: Willis Towers Watson
GEF Project Grant: US $1,055,046
GEF Agency Fee: US $94,454
Co-financing: US $7,330,578


PIF Stage Documents:

CEO Endorsement Documents

Environmental and Social Safeguards Documents

See the News Article from the GEF HERE

See the Blog post from WWF HERE