Integrated Transboundary Ridges to Reef Management of the Mesoamerican Reef
The Mesoamerican reef is home to diverse coral reefs and over 500 fish species. Inland, the landscape supports important freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. These landscapes face numerous threats: tourism and broader development are driving mangrove clearance, leading to sedimentation; overfishing and climate change are negatively affecting the health of the region’s coral ecosystems. The GEF-funded project, “Integrated Ridge to Reef Management of the Mesoamerican Reef,” supports Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico conserve their freshwater, coastal, and marine resources at a regional level. In addition, the project supports active engagement with private sector actors, including Coca Cola to strengthen water funds. Through the project, improved management will be in place for 1,699,512 ha of watersheds and 157,800 hectares of coastal and marine ecosystems.
The Mesoamerican Reef
laughing bird caye within the Mesoamerican reef system
Sea turtle hatchlings in the mesoamerican reef
Countries: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico
Focal area: International Waters
Project status: Closed
GEF Project ID: 5765
Implementing Agency: WWF-US
Executing Agency and partners: Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD)
GEF Project Grant: US$ 9,018,349
Co-financing total: US$ 51,277,908
GEF Agency Fee: US$ 825,688
PIF Stage Documents:
CEO Endorsement Documents:
Environmental and Social Safeguards Documents:
Implementation Documents: