This project aligns to the following GBFF Action Areas:
1. Action Area 1. Biodiversity conservation, restoration, land/sea-use and spatial planning. This project will support improved effective management and governance systems of three PAs and the wider transboundary TNS, an ecosystem of high ecological integrity, through investment in a conservation trust fund (FTNS) which finances the majority of biodiversity conservation work in TNS. The project seeks to improve ecosystems function and services, ecological integrity and connectivity through the management of wildlife corridors and buffer zones around the PAs. The project will contribute to ensuring sufficient and predictable financial resources are available, including external funding to support conserved area management costs to support Cameroon, CAR and ROC in their 30 by 30 target.
2. Action Area 2. Support to IP&LC stewardship and governance of lands, territories, and waters. The project will address the GBFF priorities 1) IP&LCs will receive resources for execution of project components/activities, 2) IP&LCs are beneficiaries of project activities; 3) IP&LCs are involved in the design and implementation of project components; 4) IP&LCs are envisioned to be part of the project steering committee and project governance.
3. Action Area Four: Resource mobilization. The project will increase the endowment of the FTNS and therefore increase long-term finance for the TNS including its three PAs.
Countries: Republic of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo
Focal Area: Biodiversity GBFF
Project Status: Project Development
GEF ID: 11609
Implementing agencies: World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Executing agencies: TNS Trust Fund
GEF Project Grant: US $7,259,538
GEF Agency Fee: US $581,412
Project Preparation Grant Request Documents: