Clear link between hunting and biodiversity loss
The research also details the impact of hunting on biodiversity loss, noting there were fewer signs of hunting and more observations of wildlife in FSC-certified concessions. Proactive measures by FSC-certified forestry companies, such as blocking old logging roads, establishing checkpoints, and supporting alternative protein sources for local communities, have significantly curbed illegal hunting.
Beyond wildlife conservation, the study highlights the broader positive impact of FSC certification. The conservation of large mammals positively influences seed dispersal, nutrient cycling, and forest carbon storage. Previous research (published in Nature Geoscience) has shown that tropical forests would potentially store 7% less carbon without the presence of elephants.
“These results are inspiring and an indication that FSC continues to be an effective tool in tropical forests and that its standards translate into tangible impacts,” said Fran Price, leader, WWF Forest Practice. “Solutions that benefit both people and nature do exist, and responsible forest management certification is one of those vital solutions.”
Responsible forest management: An important pillar for biodiversity conservation
“FSC-certified forest concessions in the Congo Basin are often in large, remote areas, which are harvested under reduced-impact logging principles in a decades-long rotational pattern, meaning that large mammals are able to roam and avoid production areas,” said Jaap Van Der Waarde, WWF-Cameroon, who is a coauthor of the paper.
“This study’s findings provide convincing data that sustainable forestry practices can contribute to the conservation of wildlife whilst also supporting sustainable community and economic development,” said Tim Cronin, Forests Forward global lead, WWF. “To confirm that wildlife conservation need not come at the expense of economic development brings real hope for the future of the Congo Basin.”
As logging concessions account for more than half of the remaining forest areas in the two countries studied (61% in the Republic of Congo and 67% in Gabon), these positive results from FSC-certified concessions are of great significance for biodiversity in the region.
Making the right choices
WWF urges companies to pursue responsible forest management certified under FSC and invest more in research that can help inform the continual improvement of such mechanisms.
Through Forests Forward, WWF’s signature program for corporate action in support of nature, climate, and people, WWF works with several companies in the Congo Basin to improve forest management.
Consumer choice also plays an important role. As the paper’s lead author, Joeri Zwerts, said: “We, as consumers, affect ecosystems on the other side of the world, and we need to find ways to reduce our negative impact. Our research contributes to the knowledge that can help people to make the right choices.”