With all this data collected and standardized as part of the ReSource Footprint Tracker, we can see the big picture, understand where the plastic system is breaking down and, more importantly, build on existing commitments that these companies have made to maximize their potential for impact. WWF’s first ReSource report, Transparent 2020, we find that member companies should focus on eliminating unnecessary plastics, using more recycled plastic in their production, doubling the global recycling rate, and improving the quality of the data companies are reporting.
The findings in this first report set a baseline, a way to see where these five companies stand now so we can measure the progress they make down the line. Future reports will tell us how well the actions they take are working, and if they aren’t, how we should change course.
Major global companies transparently reporting their plastic footprints and working together to solve the plastic waste crisis is a giant step forward, but we need everyone to step up together; we won’t reach the No Plastic in Nature goal without additional support from individuals and governments. Leading companies are working to do the right thing, but it will take government regulation to get all businesses involved. This means a global, binding agreement signed by government leaders pledging to stop plastic from leaking into the oceans, something we need everyone to advocate for. This global problem impacts all of us, and we can each do our part to make a difference. No matter what, consumers must use less plastic, demand reusable options, and dispose of plastic properly.
We should all aspire to create a future where we can walk down the beach and not stumble across any plastic waste. It will not be an easy goal to reach and it’s going to take a lot of work from everyone, but if more companies take a cue from ReSource members and join this effort, and the rest of us continue to do our part, we can get there together. The health of our oceans and our planet depend on it.