Whole Planet, Full Plate: Finding Ways to Feed the World Sustainably

The 2014 Fuller Symposium is Wednesday, November 12th at National Geographic Society’s Grosvenor Auditorium

Directions to the symposium: 1145 17th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 


The Fuller Symposium was Wednesday, November 12th at National Geographic Society’s Grosvenor Auditorium

Directions to the symposium: 1145 17th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 

View Speaker Biographies 



9:00 am


9:15 am

Session 1: Today’s Menu

Balancing the Needs of a Growing Population with a Finite Planet

10:45 am


11:15 am

Session 2: Whole Planet

Opportunities and Challenges for Conservation

12:50 pm

Lunch Break

1:50 pm

Session 3: Full Plate

Nourishing the world sustainably

3:50 pm


4:20 pm

Session 4: Rethinking Food

Advances and Insights

View Panel Discussion

5:25 pm

Keynote Address

5:50 pm

Closing Remarks

6:00 pm

Evening Reception

Please join us for some sustainable hors d’oeuvres provided by Chef Bun Lai of Miya’s Sushi and Chef Matthew Crudder of Sodexo.