Climate Projects

  • Recharge Pakistan

    This coalition supports integrated flood risk management and ecosystem-based adaptation by bringing nature-based solutions to Pakistan's Indus River Basin. The interventions aim to reduce future flood and drought risk throughout the region. Comprised of multi-tiered projects and estimated to impact 7 million people and their livelihoods, the grant is fully aligned with the Government of Pakistan’s national climate change goals.

  • The Renewable Thermal Collaborative

    The Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) is the global coalition for companies, institutions, and governments committed to scaling up renewable heating and cooling at their facilities, dramatically cutting carbon emissions.

    Smoke emits from a pipe at a hydrogen production plant with mountains in the background
  • Biogenic Carbon Footprint Calculator for Harvested Wood Products

    WWF, in partnership with Quantis, Intl., has developed a free, user-friendly calculator to calculate biogenic emissions for a variety of forest-based products. The calculator's aim is to support companies in the dynamic accounting of biogenic emissions of wood-based products, improving the quality of their greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and facilitating decision-making around the sustainable sourcing, design, and use of those products. This calculator is a beta test and, if useful and aligned with forthcoming Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidance, will be updated and improved.

  • Hariyo Ban: Mitigating and adapting to climate change in Nepal

    A 10-year program called Hariyo Ban partners with local community groups, government agencies, NGOs and the private sector to build capacity and promote strategic approaches for biodiversity conservation, climate mitigation and adaptation in Nepal.

    women walk in Nepal forest
  • Mozambique’s Lifeline: Nature

    Mozambique is instituting a five-year strategy that makes the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment a priority, and to the creation of a program that will focus on protecting the country’s natural capital.

    Forest and coastline