Earth for Life


Nature conservation is a perpetual effort. Along with political support and ambitious policies, governments and communities also need long-term funding to continue stewarding their natural places for many years.

WWF and our partners in a collaboration called Enduring Earth are working to secure nature’s future through an innovative approach called Project Finance for Permanence (PFP), which ensures entire systems of conservation areas—like a national park system, for example—are well-managed, sustainably financed, and benefit the communities who depend on them for the long term.

Conservation highlights of 2024

What a year it’s been. 2024 held plenty of hard news for nature, but there were also notable wins. Those successes deserve to be celebrated!

sunrise through mist over trees in Discovery National Park, Bahia, Prado, Brazil

Why It Matters

  • Securing finance

    “I think what WWF-US is doing with Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) initiatives in the Amazon, Bhutan, and elsewhere is ushering in a new helping countries understand that there are multiple ways to sustainably finance protected areas”

    - Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CEO and chairperson of the Global Environment Facility

  • Guaranteeing lives

    "For us, this means an effective and real contribution that guarantees our survival within the territory, and therefore, it guarantees our lives."

    - Emigdio Pertuz, Legal Representative of the Cocomanorte Community Council, Colombia

  • Significant Impact

    "The PFP tool is a proven approach to conserve outstanding places that are vital for the world’s global biodiversity and climate goals and tackles important conservation issues at a scale that makes significant and measurable impact."

    - Aileen Lee, Chief of Programs for the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

  • Anchored in co-creation

    "This model is particularly effective because it involves blended international finance, withstands political upheavals, and is anchored in co-creation with local and traditional communities."

    - Nik Sekhran, Chief Conservation Officer, WWF-USA

  • Meaningful and measurable

    “The PFP approach is proven to make a meaningful, measurable, and sustainable difference for nature conservation by investing in the people who safeguard biodiversity for the long term.”

    - Jason Cole, Program Director, Environment
    Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies

What WWF Is Doing

Project Finance for Permanence offers governments and civil society a big solution to big challenges. To build a big solution, everyone’s voices and priorities need to be part of the process. WWF ensures that.

Through our Earth for Life initiative, we work with government leaders, Indigenous peoples and local communities, public and private sector donors, NGOs, and others to assess PFP proposals, bring together the right groups who need to be involved and ensure their voices are heard from the beginning, provide technical expertise, and more.

We also work on PFPs in a collaboration called Enduring Earth. Our partners in that effort are The Nature Conservancy, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and ZOMALAB. Together, are collaborating with more than 90 partners on 11 projects across 10 countries. It’s our aim to durably conserve more than 300 million hectares of land, ocean, and freshwater.


  • Resilient Bold Belize

    As part of the Blue and Green Islands GEF8 Integrated program, this innovative child project aims to secure the long-term conservation and resilience of Belize´s marine and coastal ecosystems, promoting nature-based livelihoods and the wellbeing of Belizeans

  • Securing Colombia's Heritage

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