Enduring Earth


Enduring Earth is an ambitious collaboration that works alongside nations as they accelerate and amplify conservation for a more sustainable, prosperous future for people and planet. Central to our approach is Project Finance for Permanence, an innovative and proven model that fully funds conservation projects to ensure durable and scalable impact. Through a combination of partnerships, permanent funding and local leadership, we strengthen biodiversity, reinforce the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities, reduce the effects of climate change, and catalyze economic growth. Collaborative partners have applied this approach with five nations, conserving more than 90 million hectares and benefiting tens of thousands of people.

The collaboration is a partnership between The Nature Conservancy, The Pew Charitable Trusts, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and ZOMALAB, the family office of Ben and Lucy Ana Walton.

Moving forward

WWF and our partners are pursuing two initiatives united by a shared vision for a sustainable future
Lion resting at base of cliff

What WWF Is Doing


  • Enduring Earth: Accelerating Sustainable Finance Solutions to Achieve Durable Conservation

    The project objective is to catalyze sustainable, long-term investment in globally significant conservation areas in Namibia and Gabon and enable scaling out of the Enduring Earth approach in additional countries, contributing to 30x30 goals.

  • Resilient Bold Belize

    As part of the Blue and Green Islands GEF8 Integrated program, this innovative child project aims to secure the long-term conservation and resilience of Belize´s marine and coastal ecosystems, promoting nature-based livelihoods and the wellbeing of Belizeans

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