
  • WILDLABS.NET: Connectivity and collaboration to save the planet

    WILDLABS.NET, a new conservation technology network, brings together conservationists, technologists, engineers, data scientists, entrepreneurs and change makers in a central, open space to share information, ideas, tools and resources.

    A grey map of the world with multicolored lines connecting dots across the world
  • Alumni Grants

    Alumni grants aim to support EFN alumni to connect, develop, and sustain their conservation science capacity and leadership; strengthen relationships and exchange of knowledge, ideas, and innovations; and increase national, regional, and global collaborations.

  • Phasing Out Tiger Farms

    Tiger ‘farms’ are captive facilities that breed tigers to supply or directly engage in the commercial trade of tiger parts or products. WWF is calling for greater oversight and protection of all captive tigers.

    captive tiger behind fence
  • Resilient Bold Belize

    As part of the Blue and Green Islands GEF8 Integrated program, this innovative child project aims to secure the long-term conservation and resilience of Belize´s marine and coastal ecosystems, promoting nature-based livelihoods and the wellbeing of Belizeans

    Belize barrier reef