
  • Securing a Living Amazon through Landscape Connectivity in Southern Guyana

    Under the Amazon Sustainable Landscape Impact Program (GEF 7), Guyana’s Child Project will aim at strengthening and improving landscape connectivity through the establishment of conservation areas (800,000 ha) and the management of productive areas (400,000 ha) within southern Guyana.

    Jaguar lying down watching camera
  • Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration in Tanzania’s Forest Landscapes

    As part of the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program , this child project will contribute to the preservation of ecosystem services in some of Tanzania’s key agricultural growth areas.

    Women sitting together wearing colorful burkas
  • Generating Responsible Demand for Reduced Deforestation Commodities

    The project will contribute to the improved management of 23 million hectares of forest and grassland and mitigate 117.5 million tons of C02.

    Farm tractor collecting harvested oil palm
  • Sustainable Ranching Initiative

    WWF’s Sustainable Ranching Initiative works with farmers and ranchers around the world to identify and accelerate the use of more ecologically and economically sustainable management practices


    Two women stand on prairie with cattle herd
  • Embedding Circularity in the Transition to Regenerative Agriculture

    WWF is pioneering an effort to quantify the implications of food loss in production systems that are transitioning to regenerative production. Together with Cascade Agroecology, WWF is measuring soil health, insect diversity, total yield, and marketable loss to develop a business case to help the wider marketplace of growers and buyers to better understand the implications of the transition to regenerative agriculture.