Russian Arctic

Please note: These biome and ecoregion pages (and associated data) are no longer being updated and may now be out of date. These pages and data exist for historical reference only. For updated bioregion data, please visit One Earth.

  • Scientific Code
  • Ecoregion Category
  • Size
    159,100 square miles
  • Status
  • Habitats


Location and General Description

Biodiversity Features

Current Status

Types and Severity of Threats

Justification of Ecoregion Delineation
This west Siberian tundra is bordered by Urals in the west and the Yenisei to the east. Mapped ecoregion boundaries correspond to the montane and lowland tundra in the Yamalagydanskaya vegetation province (Kurnaev 1990).

Afonina, O. M., and I. V. Chernyad’eva. 1995. Mosse of the Russian Arctic: check-list and bibliography. Arctoa 5:99–142.

Andreev, M. P., Y. Kotlov, and I. Makarova. 1996. Checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Russian Arctic. Bryologist 99(2):137–169.

Konstantinova, N. A., and A. D. Potemkin. 1996. Liverworts of the Russian Arctic: an annotated check-list and bibliography. Arctoa 6:125–150.

Kurnaev, S. 1990. Forest regionalization of the USSR (1:16,000,000). Department of Geodesy and Cartography, Moscow.

Nalivkin, D. V. 1960. The geology of the USSR: A short outline. Pergamon Press. Oxford.

Sekretareva, N. A. 1999. The vascular plants of the Russian Arctic and adjacent territories. Sofia–Moscow.

Sisko, R. K. editor. 1977. Yamalo-Gydanskaya oblast’ [Yamalo-Gydan region] Leningrad. (In Russian).

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