Uzoma Ayogu

Media inquiries: (202) 495-4102 or [email protected]

UZOMA AYOGU is the co-founder & CTO of Releaf Earth. Releaf Earth is a climate tech startup pioneering carbon removal and agricultural solutions leveraging biochar (BCR). Expanding from their roots in food processing technology, they now specialize in producing premium biochar from palm kernel shells. Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) is a powerful tool for carbon sequestration and a key technology for economic development in Africa. African farmers already experience a 150% global mean temperature rise from a climate crisis they didn’t cause. Releaf's mission is to empower rural communities with improved productivity, crop yields, and a role in achieving Net Zero Emissions. They’re backed by Y Combinator, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, AirMiners, Angaza Capital, and Future Africa amongst others. Upon graduating from Duke University with a degree in mechanical engineering, Uzo spent three years serving on Duke’s Board of Trustees (two years as a full voting member, one year as an observer). He has also served on the board of Harambeans, the premier institution for African entrepreneurs solving the continent's greatest challenges (1% acceptance rate).