Greening Transportation Infrastructure Development: Global Platform

Aerial view of a bridge filled with vegetation over a multi-lane highway

A wildlife bridge in the Netherlands

Transportation infrastructure, including roads, rail, waterways, and ports, plays a critical role in connecting people to goods and services. Yet, transportation infrastructure is also one of the most impactful drivers of habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation worldwide, opening access for illegal logging and hunting, disrupting wildlife migration pathways, and generally impacting biodiversity and ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration and resilience.

The GEF-8 Greening Transportation Infrastructure Development (GRID) Integrated Program (IP) objective is to advance the transition toward sustainable transportation infrastructure that safeguards and enhances key coastal, marine, and terrestrial ecosystems. Five countries are executing projects under the program: Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, Suriname, and Ukraine. The “Greening Transportation Infrastructure Development: Global Platform” will coordinate the efforts of the country child projects as well as provide specific technical assistance and knowledge sharing to address their needs and interests.

  • A highway tunnel cutting underneath a green forest

    A bridge with a green corridor designed above

  • Aerial photo of Dawei Road cutting through a mountainous forest valley in Myanmar

    A narrow road in the valley of a mountain

  • A construction vehicle sits on a dirt road on a mountain alongside forest

    A road being developed in the forests of Gabon

Countries included in the GRID IP:

Country GEF Agency
Malaysia UNEP
Nepal ADB
The Philippines ADB and WWF
Suriname WWF
Ukraine UNEP

Focal Area: Biodiversity, Climate Change (under GRID IP)
Project Status: Project Development
GEF Project ID: 11473
Implementing Agency: WWF US
Executing Agency/ Partners: WWF US
GEF Project Grant: USD $8,607,340
Co-Financing: USD $9,524,000
GEF Agency Fee: USD $774,660

PFD Stage Documents: