Pebble Limited Partnership proposes to build an open-pit copper and gold mine—a project capable of producing 11 billion tons of toxic waste—in Iliamna Lake’s headwaters.
Located in the heart of the Bristol Bay watershed, Iliamna Lake helps support one of the most productive runs of wild salmon in the world. But the robust population of salmon and freshwater fish in Iliamna Lake could be severely impacted by Pebble Mine.
“The Iliamna seals are at the frontline of the proposed industrial development in a way that the marine seals wouldn’t be,” Brennan said.
Also included in Pebble’s proposal is significant industrial development in Iliamna Lake itself, including the construction of port facilities, ferry terminals, and an 18-mile icebreaking ferry crossing.
“The icebreaker that is proposed would be used throughout the year to shuttle concentrate back and forth,” Brennan said. “A spill has the potential to be a catastrophic situation for the seals because it would negatively impact the lake ecosystem, especially its fish communities, which are the principal prey source of seals.”