Brazil’s Atlantic Forest is one of the most biodiverse in the world, with many species found nowhere else on the planet. The forest provides for the jaguars, sloths, butterflies, birds, and thousands of other species that call it home. And these animals make a lot of noise.
The variety of sounds in the Atlantic Forest is astounding. Listen closely and the dull buzz becomes the calls of frogs, insects, birds, and maybe even a capybara.
But human activity threatens this forest, putting critical habitat for these animals at risk. Expanding agriculture and pastureland, timber harvesting, and urban development have shrunk Brazil’s Atlantic Forest to roughly 12% of its original size, making it one of the most endangered biomes in the world.
WWF is working with local communities and organizations to restore this incredible place and the species that live there.
WWF and HP are on a journey to restore, protect, and improve the management of forests in Brazil, China, Australia and Peru. We chose these landscapes because they are ecologically valuable, highly threatened, and critically important for local communities. With HP’s support, between 2019 and 2022, the local teams in Brazil's Atlantic Forest have planted 390,735 seedlings of 220 different species of trees and plants to help provide much-needed habitats to the thousands of species who reside here.
“When you reforest [an] area, what happens is that animals come and keep coming,” said Mauricio Nogueira, a nursery coordinator at REGUA, a local forest conservation organization in the Atlantic Forest.
We are proud to work with local forest conservation partners like REGUA to ensure the Atlantic Forest and all of its sounds are around for future generations to enjoy.