Daniel Riley

Director, Corporate Climate and Renewable Energy

Headshot of Dan Riley smiling in a gray jacket
Media inquiries: News And Press Page

Daniel Riley is the director of Corporate Climate and Renewable Energy at WWF, developing high-impact corporate-related initiatives to accelerate a low-carbon transition for companies in the US and their suppliers in key international markets. 

Daniel leads WWF’s team convening the Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC), the global coalition for companies, institutions, and governments committed to scaling up renewable heating and cooling at their facilities, dramatically cutting carbon emissions.  

Previously, Daniel led WWF's global effort to support scaled-up procurement of renewable energy by corporate buyers and managed energy sector transformation programs on universal energy access and scaling innovative finance. 

Daniel worked as an International Economist at the US Treasury Department and served as a Medical Service Corps Officer in the US Army before joining WWF. 

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More on Daniel

Media inquiries: News And Press Page




Areas of Expertise
