Jaguar Stories

  • Trust exercise

    WWF Magazine: Fall 2024
    Reframing the benefits of jaguar-friendly ranching
    Large gathering of people under a tree on a ranch
  • Restoring the jaguar corridor

    WWF Magazine: Fall 2021
    Connecting patches of forest to ensure jaguars, their habitats, and the ecosystem services they provide are protected for the long term.
    Lush jungle
  • Road to recovery in Latin America

    WWF Magazine: Fall 2021
    An ambitious international plan could bring declining jaguar populations back.
    Jaguar lying down watching camera
  • How solar power is helping a community and jaguars

    May 06, 2021

    A solar powered fence reduces jaguar attacks and brings electricity to a ranch for the very first time.

    jaguar in Mexican forest as captured by camera trap
  • 5 forest-dwelling wildlife species we love

    March 03, 2021

    Celebrating 5 of our favorite wildlife species living in forest habitats around the world.

    A side view of an adult jaguar walking in front of large tangled tree branches
  • Monitoring jaguars to help ensure their long-term survival

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2020
    In 2017, WWF-Peru began monitoring jaguars in the Napo-Putumayo Corridor to gain crucial insights that could help protect the species longterm.
    Jaguar walking close to camera
  • Jaguar: the amazing Amazon big cat

    Considered a protector and symbol of power, jaguars personify the mysterious beauty of the Amazon. This iconic species plays a vital role in its habitat by controlling other species’ populations and helping maintain a healthy ecosystem. 

    jaguar close WW2120938 Emmanuel Rondeau
  • 5 amazing animals that live in the Pantanal—and need our help

    Nestled in the heart of South America, the Pantanal is the world’s largest tropical wetland. Discover just a few of the native species that live in this incredible place.

    Jaguar in the Pantanal
  • Seven unsung ecosystems we need to survive

    They may not be household names, but these ecosystems are vital to the health of our planet. They support an incredible range of plants and animals, as well as millions of people and their communities, and play a critical role in fighting climate change.

    zebra mirror Greg Armfield WW1113071
  • A prey's-eye view of the elusive jaguar

    WWF Magazine: Fall 2017
    Solitary, beautiful, and elusive, the jaguar is the biggest native feline to roam the Americas.
    jaguar under fall2017
  • The story of soy

    December 14, 2016

    Behind beef, soy is the second largest agricultural driver of deforestation worldwide. From the Northern Great Plains of the U.S. to the Amazon of Brazil, forests, grasslands, and wetlands are being plowed up to make room for more soy production. 

    Mass soybean harvesting at a farm in Brazil
  • Protecting the Amazon for life

    May 21, 2014

    A model for conservation, the Amazon Region Protected Areas ensures 150 million acres—three times the size of all US parks combined—of the Amazon are protected for life.

  • The Amazon

    WWF Magazine: Summer 2014
    Journey into the world’s largest tropical forest—and uncover one of the biggest conservation initiatives the world has ever seen.
    Aerial View of Amazon