Javan Rhino Stories

  • Ancient Survivors

    WWF Magazine: Winter 2021
    Ensuring a future for one of the world's oldest mammals
    Rhinos at sunrise
  • Where do rhinos live? And eight other rhino facts

    September 19, 2019

    Facts about rhinos and what WWF is doing to help protect the species.

    White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), Kenya.
  • In a blow to wildlife, China lifts a ban on the use of tiger and rhino parts

    October 29, 2018

    In an enormous setback for wildlife conservation, China announced it will allow hospitals to use tiger bone and rhino horn from captive-bred animals for traditional medicine. The decision reverses a decades-old ban that has been instrumental in preventing the extinction of endangered tigers and rhinos.

    Bengal Tiger in the Ranthambore National Park, India
  • WWF’s two-part plan to save the Javan rhino

    WWF Magazine: Spring 2016
    WWF’s approach is based in the fact that when geographically bound rhino populations reach the limit of numbers their habitat can support, reproduction drops.
    Javan Rhino
  • Rare Video of Critically Endangered Javan Rhinos

    September 15, 2015

    Much-needed hope for the critically endangered Javan rhino has come in the form of three calves. The calves—one female and two males—were spotted on new camera trap footage from earlier this year, bringing the total number of Javan rhinos up to 60. There are none in captivity.

    javan rhino
  • Images of One of the World's Rarest Mammals

    July 15, 2015

    Stunning images of an elusive Javan rhino were captured by photographer Stephen Belcher in Indonesia’s Ujung Kulon National Park—a first in nearly 15 years of only capturing blurry camera trap images of the animal. Javan rhinos are extremely difficult to photograph because they are very shy and live in dense, often impenetrable rain forests.

    javan rhino